10 simple weight loss tips that actually work
Tired of following strict diets? What if there was a way to get rid of that extra weight by adopting some easy, everyday habits. We found these 10 simple weight loss tips for lifestyle tweaks that can shed your extra pounds:
Start Small
Start off with a small amount of weight to lose (3 to 9 pounds). Start making small diet changes at first that can add up eventually to big weight loss. When you see that 3 to 9 pounds get off, you’ll feel great and feel like any amount of weight that you lose is a revelation.
Don’t skip meals
You might think that skipping meals will help you lose weight, but the truth is, it does just the opposite. If you skip a meal, your body is more likely to feel starved and will slow down metabolism, which means your weight loss will be even slower. Moreover, starvation will give you headaches, make you feel sleepy, dizzy and cranky.

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Visualize your dream body
When exercising think how you’ll look after you lose some weight, it boosts your wanting to exercise.
Go for popsicles
Eating popsicle will not help with your weight loss mission. But if you need a sweet try a popsicle. It has between 5-10 calories and it helps cravings.
Do 30 minutes of physical activity every day. It can be aerobics, dance moves or even swimming. It will not only help with weight loss but also make you feel stronger and refreshed.
Sit Straight
Sit up straight. Maintaining good posture while sitting works the muscles in your upper body, shoulders, and back. While standing correctly can help you burn fat, gain strength and benefit your health in the long-term. It makes your core work harder and it burns calories.
Curb the cravings
Drink water before meals will help you lose weight. It is also a good idea to eat soup before a meal or more protein to reduce appetite. Simple weight loss tips like these will make you less hungry, so you’ll eat less.
Lay flat in bed
Burning calories while lying in bed may seem like too good to be true. But it’s not, lay in bed flat with a pillow and just lift your legs to your stomach about 25 times a day. This will burn more calories and aid in weight loss.
Wearing slimming outfit
Does this really work? Yes, it does. Dress in slimming outfits, it will make you look thinner and you will feel better about yourself! Some slimming outfit uses heat or cold to help boost your metabolism, some use compression technology, and then some clothing brands simply make the movement more comfortable so that you are inspired to burn more calories with physical activity. All these simple weight loss tips like these will make you burn more calories than usual.
Get a pair
Some people find it easier to “diet” with family or social support! So pair up with someone, it can be your friend, family member or even your colleague.
For more weight loss and healthy living tips and motivation download CircleCare App.