11 Natural Home Remedies for Gout Attacks



We have put together a list of top 11 natural home remedies available which can help to prevent gout attack, reduce flare-ups, and control the pain.

There are several natural home remedies available which can help to prevent gout attack, reduce flare-ups, and control the pain.

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Green Tea: Health experts highly recommend Green tea for fighting against gout. Green tea contains a high concentration of antioxidants which can reduce inflammation. To get the best results to use 1 cup of green papaya by cutting it into small cubes and place it into the boiling water with two tablespoons of green tea for 5-10 minutes, then drink a great cup of green tea!  


Apple cider vinegar: Mix 1 teaspoon of apple cider vinegar in a glass of water and drink it 2 to 3 times daily can help gout patients to heal and control pain. One can increase the dose up to 2 tablespoons.


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Mustard: Mustard seed and oil are well known for their ability to cure body pains and aches. Apply the mustard paste on the affected areas overnight as a pain relief treatment.

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Lemon juice: Mix the juice of 1 lemon with 1/2 tsp of baking soda and after few seconds mix with a glass of water and drink.


Ginger root: Mix equal amounts of fenugreek powder, turmeric powder and dried ginger root powder. Mix one tsp of this mixture with warm water and take twice daily.

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Fruits: Eating 15 to 20 cherries daily is beneficial for gout patients. Bananas, apples, cherries, cucumber, red-blueberries, strawberries and watermelon are also highly recommended to eat every day.

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Cherry Juice: Drinking cherry juice will soothe the sensation in joints or tissues effectively.


Epsom Salt: It reduces swelling and keeps the pain calm.


Drink water: Drinking plenty of water help to reduce excess uric acid from the body, which is useful to prevent gout.


Baking Soda: Mix 1 or 2 tablespoons of baking soda in a glass of water and drink it to keep uric acid in control. You can drink up to 4 glasses every day for two weeks.

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Vitamin C intake: Increased vitamin C intake can reduce uric acid. Eat fruits enriched with vitamin C.

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