7 Preventative Care Tips for A Beautiful Smile
Nothing in this world looks as good as a beautiful smile.
People with gorgeous pearly whites get consistently viewed as healthier, better looking, and happier than their less-than-orally blessed counterparts. The truth of the matter is even if your teeth aren’t perfect – there is always something you can do to improve your smile.
Some of those improvements are costlier than others, but the result is always worth it. Oral health is paramount for overall health and well-being, so if you need a little assistance in that department, below are seven preventative care tips that will help to keep your smile looking beautiful:

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Reduce Sugar Intake
When you eat sugary foods, those sugars interact with the bacteria in your mouth and produce acid. That acid slowly dissolves the enamel coating on your teeth and creates holes, otherwise known as cavities.
Tooth decay, if left untreated, can lead to tooth abscesses, secondary infections, and even tooth loss. Sugar mixes with the saliva and bacteria in your mouth and sticks to the teeth. The daily recommended amount of sugar for women is 25 grams and 40 grams for men.
Whitening Treatments
If you’ve tried every trick in the book and still cannot see to get rid of your yellow-tinted smile, it is time to invest in a professional whitening treatment. Sometimes whitening toothpaste doesn’t do the trick, and you need an intervention! Especially when you’re guilty of some unhealthy eating habits in the workplace.
Whitening treatments are safe, effective, and easily maintained. They remove the existing stains on your teeth but cannot prevent new ones from forming – that will depend on how well you follow the guidelines afterward or how often you go for maintenance treatments.
Better Brushing
Better brushing starts with the right toothbrush. The bristles shouldn’t be too hard or soft, the handle must be comfortable, and the head needs to be just right for your mouth.
There is no one-size-fits-all in the toothbrush world. Once you have found the perfect toothbrush for your mouth, always keep it clean.
Brushing your teeth is equally crucial for your gums as it is for your teeth, so if you keep asking “Why do my gums bleed when I brush my teeth?” then perhaps it is time to investigate your brushing habits with your dentist.
The area you brush first tends to get more attention than the area you end with, so keep things fresh by mixing up your starting point with each session.
Healthy Snacking
When it comes to the topic of healthy snacking, sugar has the worst reputation. The truth is, sugar is far from the only culprit – carbohydrates quickly break down into sugars, and because they are prone to sticking to your teeth, they can cause absolute havoc in your mouth.
Snack on fresh fruits and vegetables instead of crisps or sweets. Although fruits also contain sugar, most are high in fiber and water and can be a great source of natural fluoride.
Healthy foods are always better for your teeth, and eating a healthy, balanced diet can help to keep your gums and teeth healthy.
Regular Check-Ups
Have you seen your dentist yet this year? If not, you’re missing out on an excellent way to maintain oral health. Dental appointments shouldn’t just be for emergencies alone – regular visits can help identify problem areas early on and even prevent problems from occurring altogether.
Cavity prevention is essential for maintaining proper oral health and keeping your smile shining as bright as possible. If left untreated, cavities often destroy the tooth pulp on the inside of the tooth and can lead to unsightly gaps and oral infections.
Drink Water
Water is heaven-sent. No other substance on the planet does more for us and the rest of the natural world. Drinking water is essential for maintaining energy, improving digestion, supporting weight loss, and promoting a healthy smile.
Drinking water helps to keep your teeth clean. Plaque cannot build up when your mouth is clean and hydrated. Acids from food and beverages do a number on your tooth enamel, but not if you drink water regularly.
Aim to drink a glass of water before and after every meal; that will help dilute those acids and help protect your pearly whites.
Use Straws
Before you panic about the environment – just listen. It’s almost impossible to avoid drinking acidic, sweet, or stain-inducing drinks altogether, but you should always drink them through a straw.
The straw can be paper, glass, or reusable – that part doesn’t matter. All that matters is that those liquids make the least possible contact with your teeth. If you don’t have a straw nearby yet, rinse your mouth with water soon after drinking.
To End
Your teeth won’t grow back, so look after the set you have, to avoid having to get them replaced. Nothing feels or looks as good as a healthy, beautiful smile, so follow these tips above to keep yours well into your twilight years.