Are bananas a fruit or a vegetable?
Did you know the fact that bananas are technically neither a fruit nor a vegetable?
Generally, when we see sweet plant parts, we think that they are fruits. This includes all the things we typically think of as fruit, such as apples, pears, and berries of many kinds.
But, when it comes to Bananas, things are a little different. Although we generally call it a fruit, it is technically an herb. The banana plant an “herbaceous plant” (or ‘herb’), not a tree, because the stem does not contain true woody tissue. That’s why Bananas are not technically a fruit, but it’s an herb.
Health Benefits of Banana
- Aids in weight loss
- Protects against ulcers
- Cures kidney disorders
- Useful in healthy weight gain
- Relieves menstrual problems
- Provides relief from constipation
- Helps in treating piles and anemia
- Gives relief from arthritis and gout
- Boosts eye health and bone health
Why are they not vegetables?
Many people have argued that bananas are vegetables since they lack seeds. But is it true? Bananas that are commercially grown nowadays are sterile, so their seeds are significantly smaller in size. So, although you might not notice those small brown or black spots, they are actually the immature seeds of Banana.

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Is Banana a false fruit?
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Bananas consumed in the raw state are vegetables and the ripe -fruits
what do you mean raw state
I think she meant green bananas