Diabetes Myths: Common Misconceptions About Diabetes
There are a number of misconception about diabetes that is all too commonly reported as facts. These misrepresentations of diabetes can sometimes be really harmful and lead to serious mental and physical consequences. Today we are going to take a look at some diabetes myths, that are widely available, both from healthcare professionals and on the Internet, but not all of it is true.
People with diabetes can’t eat sugar
Sugar, in any volume, cannot cause diabetes. Although people with diabetes do not handle food with high level of sugar well, it does not mean that a diabetic person cannot eat sugar at all.
Diabetes is not a killer disease
FALSE! Diabetes is a global killer, rivaling HIV/AIDS in its deadly reach. This disease kills more than 4 million people a year. Every 7 seconds a person dies from diabetes-related causes.

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Diabetes predominantly affects men
Another diabetes myth! Diabetes affects both men and women and is rising among women. It is also increasing dramatically among youth and threatening to decimate indigenous populations.
Diabetes cannot be prevented
FALSE! Up to 80% of type 2 diabetes is preventable by changing diet, increasing physical activity and improving the living environment.
Diabetes only affects rich countries
FALSE! Diabetes hits all populations, regardless of income. It is becoming increasingly common everywhere.
Diabetes care is not costly
FALSE! Diabetes care is costly and has the potential to cripple any healthcare system.
Diabetes prevention is too expensive
FALSE! Many inexpensive and cost-effective interventions exist. Proven strategies for improving the living environment, changing diet and increasing physical activity can reverse the pandemic.
Diabetes only affects old people
FALSE! Diabetes affects all age groups.