Family is our Greatest Asset
In a society that is consumed with climbing the corporate ladder and keeping up with the Jones’, it can be difficult to find free time to spend with family. Phone calls with mom are cut short by late evening conference calls and you may not even remember the last time you spoke with your sister. While the benefits of having a good job and nice things makes life more comfortable, you’re missing out if you’re not keeping your family in the loop. While you may have relied on text messages and Facebook groups in the past to keep up some sort of family network, now you can communicate and share with your family members like never before. With the touch of your finger you can easily upload family photos from last summer’s beach trip or a silly picture of your kid swinging at the park. You can check in on your parents and help keep tabs on their health through monitoring their scheduled doctor’s appointments and checking in to make sure they are doing a healthy amount of exercising, whether it be walking or taking a local Yoga class.

Corporate Wellness App
Family is too precious of an asset to neglect. Unlike a job or house, you can’t replace a family member. The people that we were raised by and with are those that we should make a priority for. Now that the CircleCare app is here, staying connected with family is simplified and even fun. You know how good it feels to call a member of your family to share with them the good news of a promotion or a straight A report card that your youngest child brought home? Now take it up a notch and imagine what sharing those same joys with your entire family network feels like. By keeping all of your family members updated on your life (and yourself updated on theirs) those yearly family reunions will be a whole lot less awkward. Imagine that!
CircleCare gives you the ability to share inspiring quotes and funny anecdotes, true stories and topics of interest to your family. Unlike Facebook, you don’t have to worry about over posting or appearing “annoying”. Instead, your family network will appreciate your updates and witty banter – all at the touch of an app. Keep an eye on everyone’s fitness and be held accountable to your own family fitness goals. Check in to see how Aunt Betty is handling her new blood pressure medication and see if your brother’s Crossfit fitness journey is all that he hoped it would be. Whether you’re standing in line for your morning coffee or sitting at your desk waiting for a client to show up for a meeting, you can keep in touch with your family easily with the CircleCare app. Life is too short for regrets, so don’t let your family down. Sharing is caring so let your entire family network let them know how much you care!
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