Do you know the function of liver and how to keep it healthy?



The liver is one of the biggest organs in our body and it plays an important role in our metabolism. It is the largest glandular organ in the human body and sits on the right side of the belly. a healthy liver ensures, increased energy levels, clearer skin, regular menstrual cycle, freedom from sinus pain, fewer infections, and a stronger immune system.

What is the function of Liver? 

The liver is an essential organ of our body and some of its responsibilities include:


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  • It flushes down the toxins (toxic byproducts and wastes) from our body.
  • It breaks down (metabolizes) nutrients from food to produce energy when needed.
  • The Liver removes bacteria from blood, which help our body to fight infections.
  • It is responsible for producing most of the proteins needed by the body.
  • Produces substances that regulate blood clotting and a compound called “Bile” which is necessary to digest fat and Vitamin A, D, E and K.

How to keep your liver healthy

Eat a healthy diet and get regular exercise. Your liver will be healthy. Here are some more ideas to keep your Liver happy:

  • Try to eat clean whole foods like – Garlic, Avocado, Turmeric, Antioxidants.
  • Reduce chronic stress — emotional issues, relationship problems, and holding on to guilt, anger or shame — all have an impact on your liver by promoting an inflammatory response and worsens liver damage.
  • Keep your weight in check. Obesity contributes to the development of liver diseases.
  • Do not overdose on medication, they may have toxin effects on your liver. If you have a problem remembering whether you have already taken medication or not, use a medication reminder app that helps you keep a log.
  • Exercise – keep the blood flowing throughout the body. Let the liver flush down toxins from all over the body more effectively.

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