How to motivate an unmotivated child – CircleCare can help
Everyone finds themselves feeling a bit unmotivated from time to time, but what do you do when it is your child that is stuck in a rut? It can be difficult to watch as your child is struggling or is seemingly disinterested in completing school work. You may feel like it is out of your control, but there are things you can do to help motivate a child who is unmotivated.
Get involved. Make sure you open the lines of communication with your child’s teacher and figure out a way that you can be made aware of what is due and when so that you can offer your child support to get the tasks completed. Perhaps the teacher can email you a syllabus, you child can have a planner for recording tasks, or the teacher can join a private circle in your CircleCare app. Don’t forget to ask the teacher about your child’s attitude in class and what kind of interaction he or she has with peers. Make sure the lack of motivation isn’t because of some sort of external factors like bullying.

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Reward effort. Create a motivation circle for your child, and invite other family members to join! Let your child announce big (or small) projects to the group. Then, make sure everyone praises the milestones and all of the effort the child shows. Have family and friends send fun stickers, thumbs up pics, encouraging badges, and notes of congratulations. A little praise can go a long way to improving self-esteem which will naturally motivate a child to succeed.
Let them make mistakes. Don’t hover and try to stop your child from making any mistakes. Failure can be the best teacher! A little struggle can boost confidence by showing your child how strong they can be and what they are able to overcome. Watch closely though, don’t let them get too discouraged in the face of defeat. If you feel that your child is becoming too discouraged, have the circle members tell stories about times they failed at something, and what steps they took to overcome the defeat. Your child will see that everyone messes up sometimes and the key is to not give up.
Explore different learning styles. If your child is struggling with a task, see if there is another way to complete it. There are four main types of learning styles, and everyone learns best through one of them. Explore the different styles and see where your child fits in. You may find that switching the way a subject is taught can make all the difference in your child’s cooperation and motivation! Don’t forget to ask your circle if you get stuck! Your other members may have ideas or suggestions that you never would have come up with on your own. Also, don’t hesitate to reach out to professionals, for example, if you need assistance with writing an essay or any other assignments.
Don’t forget to be a good role model for your child! You need to make sure that you are demonstrating the behavior that you want to see. If you give up easily, have a negative attitude, or are generally unmotivated, you may even be the source of the problem. If you find that to be true, create your own circle of encouragement! Let your family and friends inspire you as well.