Increasing the Step Count at Work
Today, nothing can wreck your employee’s health more than being chained to their desk for an extended time period. Be it a typical 9 to 5 job, entrepreneurship, or even freelancing, sitting at a desk for a long time exposes you to various health problems that may be suffered now or during old age. This is one of the most important yet most ignored issues at workplaces all over.
Encouraging your employees to move more at work can be tricky, but it is an important part of your corporate wellness plan. One of the easiest ways of making them active and move more is to motivate them to increase their step count. Here are some easy ways to start:
Turn off the elevator
Is there an elevator in your office? Turn it off a few days a week and encourage your staff to take the stairs. It will help strengthen their muscles and it’s usually faster than taking the elevator anyway.

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Cordless phones
Providing cordless phones is a great way to encourage people to walk and talk, especially if they don’t have to look at a screen whilst on the phone. Pacing around a board table for 15 minutes on the phone can rack up over 3000 steps!
Ditch Messenger
Encourage your staff to move around the office to communicate with coworkers, rather than messaging and emailing each other when possible. This will not only make your employees active but also increase collaboration between them.
Rank and reward
Using the CircleCare corporate wellness program will encourage staff to compete on a leadership board for the greatest number of steps walked each day and allow you to issue rewards to the best achievers. Gamification makes corporate wellbeing fun!
Walking Meetings
Try shifting some of your meetings outside when possible. Go for a walk in the nearby park while discussing business. It will help keep your employees focused while getting some much-needed vitamin D.
Make it harder to sit
Holding standing meetings, placing the photocopier on the other side of the office, and banning internal emails are easy ways to make it more difficult for your team to sit at their desk all day. You can also use environmental nudges to encourage staff to take the stairs.
Sign Up for our Corporate Wellness Program
CircleCare has a holistic corporate wellness program that takes a considered approach to help you manage and encourage employee health and wellbeing using cutting edge technology. Get in touch for more info.