Healthy Lifestyle Suggestions for Diabetics
If you’ve been diagnosed with type 2 diabetes, These simple healthy lifestyle choices may help you live a long and healthy life with or without diabetes:
Avoid Stress: Stress can raise your blood sugar. Learn ways to lower your stress.

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Healthy Diet Plan: Make a diabetes meal plan with help from your doctor. Choose foods that are lower in calories, saturated fat, Trans fat, sugar, and salt. Eat foods with more fiber, such as whole grain cereals, bread, crackers, rice, or pasta. Eat a lot of fruits.
Exercise: Set a goal to be more active most days of the week. Start slowly by taking 10-minute walks, 3 times a day. Twice a week, work to increase your muscle strength. Use stretch bands, do yoga, heavy gardening (digging and planting with tools), or try push-ups.
Maintain a healthy weight: Stay at or get to a healthy weight by using your meal plan and being more active.
Be Active: Find it hard to make some free time? check out some simple but effective activities you can do anytime, anywhere you want. Any movement would be better than sitting still. Pick an activity you enjoy such as dancing with music or playing basketball. Walk while you talk, use a portable phone or wireless headset and walk around the house as you carry on conversations. Vary your walking workout by climbing the stairs at home or work. Even short amounts of extra stair-climbing improve cardiovascular health. Start out by adding just one or two extra trips up the stairs each day.
If you do desk work to work on the computer, do things like roll your shoulders and stretch your neck when you have time. Stay fit in the kitchen, vacuum or wash the floor more often when you can’t be active outside. Simply being active for 10 minutes a day can improve your heart-lung function, blood circulation, and reduce the risk of developing some chronic diseases later in life.
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