Prevention and Control of Asthma
There no known permanent treatment of asthma attacks but it can be controlled by a proper treatment plan and healthy living. Asthma patients need some actions on controlling asthma including:
Keep track of the triggers and symptoms
For every asthma patients, signs and triggers and symptoms are different. The first step of preventing and controlling asthma is to know them and keep them in check.
Stop Smoking
Stop smoking immediately if anyone has asthma. Any kind of smoke is wrong for our body, but it is significantly more harmful to a person with asthma. Even the second-hand smoke can trigger a life-threatening asthma attack.

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Following an asthma action plan
Due to asthma is a chronic condition, patients need to follow an asthma treatment plan suggested by a doctor. Following suggestions, medications and treatment by doctors will help to reduce asthma symptoms.
Get Vaccine for influenza and pneumonia
People with asthma should be especially up to date with influenza and pneumonia vaccines as they can cause inflammation (swelling). Vaccinations can prevent flu and pneumonia which triggers asthma flare-ups.
Breath monitoring
Regularly monitoring breathing can warn asthma patients of an impending asthma attack. Peak flow measurements can alert to an oncoming attack that helps to take medication as instructed and immediately stop any activity that may have triggered the attack.
Non-medical Treatments
Researchers found some no-medical treatment for asthma patients that could be effective to reduce the symptoms. Acupuncture, air ionizers, and dust mite control measures may have little effect on asthma symptoms or lung function. Homeopathy may mildly lessen the intensity of symptoms, but this finding is not robust.
Physical exercise help by strengthening your breathing muscles, boosting your immune system and helping to maintain healthy body weight. But always discuss with your doctor before exercising to make sure your asthma is under control before you start.
Regular physical activity
It can strengthen the lungs of people who have asthma and improve their overall level of fitness. Though some people with asthma feel anxious about exercising because it can make them feel breathless, having asthma doesn’t mean you can’t exercise. It is important to keep asthma under control and adapt physical activities to your individual level of fitness.
Be Active
Find it hard to make some free time? check out some simple but effective activities you can do anytime, anywhere you want. Any movement would be better than sitting still. Pick an activity you enjoy like dancing with music. Walk while you talk, use a portable phone or wireless headset and walk around the house as you carry on conversations. Vary your walking workout by climbing the stairs at home or work. Even short amounts of extra stair-climbing improve cardiovascular health. Start out by adding just one or two extra trips up the stairs each day, then increase.