Safety Strategies for Returning Back to Work After a Pandemic
When you are reopening a business after a pandemic shutdown, it is important to take preventative measures to control or avoid the spread of infection. With these measures in mind, you can ensure the health of your employees while maintaining smooth business operations. Here are the top tips for protecting your employees and workspace from spreading an infection:
Maintain cleanliness
Employees use their desks, stationery, laptops, mouse, and telephones frequently. It is important to regularly wipe down workstations with a disinfectant. Make sure you use a high-quality or alcohol-based sanitizer for cleanliness at the office.
Provide disposable wipes
The CDC (Centers for Disease Control & Prevention) reports that employees should be provided with disposable wipes. It allows them to wipe and clean commonly used surfaces, like doorknobs, remote controls, keyboards, etc.

Corporate Wellness App
Maintain social distancing
Since it’s not safe for employees to stand close to each other or gather in numbers, collaboration and engagement can be a real problem. To resolve this, employee engagement apps like CircleCare can be used to keep everyone always connected virtually and offer support when needed.
Provide accessible hand sanitizers
Though there is no replacement for regular hand washing with soap and running water, placing hand sanitizers all around the office helps prevent the spread of infection. Keep soap dispensers filled with alcohol-based soaps.
Comply with the local COVID-19 response plan
Employers with more than one business location should provide local managers with the authority to take appropriate actions outlined in their COVID-19 response plans based on local conditions.
Limit travel & opt for online meetings
Postpone any business trips, especially to countries with widespread outbreak. Discourage non-essential business trips to international and domestic areas with low impact. Encourage the use of VPNs, video conferencing tools, and technologies to avoid physical contact.
Update your visitor policy
Touch base with visitors, including vendors, clients, and candidates before any onsite meetings. It is important to inquire if the visitor has recently travelled to any country with the disease outbreak, or if they or their family have been sick.
Be flexible with working hours
Offer flexibility with sick leave and working hour policies. If possible, allow work from home facilities to employees. Employers may need to stay at home to care for a family member or take care of a child.
Take advantage of latest technology
Take advantage of technology, like the CircleCare corporate wellness app, to educate everyone on best health practices, share information about current news and pandemic updates, and encourage them to follow a healthy lifestyle.