Steps to Improve Your Workplace Wellness
Putting effort on workplace wellness improve employee productivity and help build an engaged and healthy workforce. So, do you know the steps to get started with a workplace wellness program? Getting workplace wellness right doesn’t need to be particularly costly or difficult. Here are a few steps to get you started:
Adopt s workplace wellness platform
Subscribe to corporate wellness platform like CircleCare for guidance, management and tracking of each individual employee health. CircleCare provides companies with a platform and tools to motivate their employees via positive reinforcements and rewards to establish and maintain healthy lifestyle choices.
No plastic water bottles
By eliminating plastic water bottles, you reduce the amount of BPA consumption and plastic waste.

Corporate Wellness App
Stand-up desks or workstations
Have you ever heard that sitting is the new smoking? Sitting for prolonged periods of time wreaks havoc on one’s overall health.
Promoting a 15-minute walk every day
A 15 minute walk each day can help improve cardiovascular health and the productivity of employees.
Build wellness into company culture
By implementing wellness into the company’s culture, you are letting employees know you support them in their journey to become healthy.
Promote wellness throughout the office
Implementing a wellness program throughout the office promotes teamwork. This requires good communication and examples set by those at the top.
Educate on the importance of wellness
Education on health and wellness program throughout the office promotes teamwork. This requires good communication and examples set by the top down.
Provide healthy snacks at the office
Providing healthy snacks at the office improves the overall health of the employees and is part of incorporating health into the company’s culture.
Encourage 15 minutes a day to distress
Un-engaged and stressed employees cost the company money. Provide employees with amenities and encourage them to distress to improve productivity.
Encourage & support from management
Without having support from the top down a wellness program won’t be as effective or successful.