Top Tips & Tricks on Intermittent Fasting for Weight Loss
Planning to start intermittent fasting for weight loss? Just like any other weight loss diet, the idea behind intermittent fasting is to ensure that you are consuming fewer calories than you are burning without malnutrition. The only significant difference is intermittent fasting focuses explicitly on the timing of meals. Read on to find more tips and tricks on Intermittent fasting for weight loss:
While exercising isn’t absolutely necessary to shed weight while intermittent fasting, it certainly helps! Just 30 minutes a day most days of the week is enough to rev your metabolism and melt fat faster.
Be Flexible
Many will choose to utilize the 16/8 fasting/fed pattern. That may not work for everyone. If you find that a 14/10 or an 18/6 works better for you that that is entirely ok. The only eating pattern that will work is the one that will work for you.

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Drink Water
This probably comes as no surprise, but staying hydrated is the best way to curb hunger pangs and keep cravings at bay. If you really want to lose weight through time-restricted diet, aim for at least 8-ounce glasses of water per day while intermittent fasting. But more is better!
Avoid Temptation
Being Around Tempting foods makes fasting unnecessarily tricky. The look and smell of foods will set off your appetite and make you crave them.
Track Your Progress
Tracking your intermittent fasting start and stop time is sure to keep you on target! Download CircleCare App for Free to learn more about intermittent fasting and plan accordingly.
Make Use Of Spare Time
When you fast you create free time in your schedule during the slots where you would usually be eating. This spare time is a perfect opportunity to do something you love such as reading, listening to music or going for a walk.
Black Coffee
Though you may enjoy sugar and creamer in your coffee, during your fasting window, these are no-nos. Opt for black coffee in the morning to stay fasted, curb your appetite and get your next meal with energy and focus.
Take Time To Relax
Rest and relaxation are things you should be making time for every day.
Try The Salt Trick
Hungry? Try the salt trick! Pour a little salt on your wrist and lick it off. For some reason, this works to curb your appetite and keep cravings at bay.
Reward Yourself
One final way to make intermittent fasting for weight loss more enjoyable is to reward yourself after you notice a change in weight. These rewards can be big or small… a new outfit, a night out, a well-deserved glass of wine, etc.
Stick To A Schedule
While there are no “Rules” about when to fast as long as you hit your minimum target, it’s best to be as consistent as possible with your timing. If you can, pick a regular schedule, and stick with it! It’ll make it that much easier.
To learn and share more experiences about healthy diet plans for weight loss download CircleCare App today. CircleCare App is a fun and engaging way of living healthy life and getting rewarded for it.