How can you make your parents to stay physically active?
Let’s help them to have fun while staying healthy!
One of the most important topics when talking about our parent’s health. But, how can we make them be healthy, stay physically active and motivated? According to scientific studies, Regular physical activities in elderly people is essential to prevent diseases, feel motivated, to have more confidence and independence. Doctors say that those who keep moving have fewer probabilities to suffer from heart diseases, diabetes, some cancers, depression and dementia.
But as they are getting older, they need extra motivation for the things they do and staying physically active can be a big task for them. This is our duty which we must involve in and keep them motivated.

Corporate Wellness App
Make them feel like they belong!
One of the best ways to motivate them to be active is to engage in fun activities with them, enrolling ourselves in such activities that can help them feel to be cared for. Let them feel encouraged, inspire them to practice ludic activities, maybe going for a walk and all those things they love to do. Don’t forget to show appreciation for their achievements, interact and share everyday life moments with them! Everything that helps them to feel like they belong.
How can I motivate them to stay physically active?
Parents are not going to do these activities by themselves, we need to remember that they do not have the motivation enough. We have to go walking with them, involving them in our daily activities. They will be healthier if they participate in things regular people are doing. The best motivation for them we can provide for them is that we make them feel useful in our lives. That is why family inspiration and friendly gamification plays a big and important role when we talk about their health. It is not just about staying active but making them feel that they are important in our lives. This way, they will no longer feel alone.
Technology can be useful
Some parents think that when getting older, they are not useful anymore. So, once they start doing things by themselves, they feel independent and confident to be more active. So, our task is to help them relieve those thoughts by making them feel that, they still have a lot to offer and very much important in our lives.
Now, there is an easy way to do that – CircleCare App. CircleCare is a health and wellness motivation App that is designed to make everyone in the family to feel like they belong and live a healthy life. CircleCare promotes a friendly steps competition which can motivate our elderly parents to walk more and stay physically active. The App motivates them to engage more with others by sharing each other’s daily activities and by interacting with it. With CircleCare we can also motivate them to take regular medicines and check vital signs. A family is all they have at this age and as a family, we must give them back the happiness they gave us when we were younger.
Try CircleCare App today for free on Google Play Store and iOS App Store.
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