Drinking warm lemon water in the morning for detox – cleanses your body



Many people believe that drinking warm lemon juice early in the morning helps flush out toxins from our body. But what does science has to say about that? Let’s take a look at the facts.

Lemon water improves your digestion

The atomic structure of lemon juice is similar to the digestive juices found in our stomach. So when we drink lemon water, our liver get tricked into producing bile, (a dark green to yellowish brown fluid) which helps keep food moving through your body and gastrointestinal tract smoothly.

Lemons Detoxicates

Lemon has an antioxidant called d-limonene in it, which activates enzymes that are part of phase 1 and phase 2 detoxification process of our body.


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Gives you vitamin C

Lemon juice provides an instant boost of Vitamin C, which stimulates white blood cell production, vital for your immune system to function properly.

Cares for your skin

Lemon water has antioxidants which help remove wrinkles and give us a fresh looking skin. Also since lemon water keeps you hydrated, you can easily get rid of dry skin.


Encourages you to stay hydrated

Some people do not like to drink just water, as they do not like the taste of it by itself. Adding lemon to clean water, enhances its flavor and helps you drink more water.

Reduces the risk of kidney stones

Doctors suggest increased citric acid intake to decrease your risk of getting kidney stones. Drinking lemon water is a great way to get more citric acid.

3 thoughts on “Drinking warm lemon water in the morning for detox – cleanses your body

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  • Avatar
    May 3, 2024 at 5:29 am

    How much lemon (half a lemon with 4 ounces or 8 oz. of water. I need the Vitamin C to soothe my digestive tract. Right now now I drink about 6 oz. of water 45 minutes before my breakfast of eggs….as they are filling with a banana…… 2 hours after breakfast – when I take my medication I have about an ounce of DARK chocolate. Usually an ounce though sometimes a bit more though never 2 ounces even though it’s 85% cocoa beans.

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      May 10, 2024 at 11:37 am

      For Vitamin C, add half a lemon (about 2 tablespoons of juice) to 8 oz of water. This provides approximately 100mg of Vitamin C. Adjust to taste. Consider adding lemon to your 6 oz water 45 minutes before breakfast for digestive tract soothing benefits.


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