Photo by Spencer Backman on Unsplash
Uncontrolled asthma can be severe and impose a severe burden on your daily life. Complications caused by asthma include lifestyle disruption, airways remodeling, hospitalization or even death.
Among the lifestyle disruptions sleep deprivations, and limited physical activity is most prominent. Patient experience long-term sleep deprivation at night, which leads to reduced brain function during daytime at work or school. Some people might also have to reduce the amount and intensity of physical activity or exercise, which increases the risk of diabetes, heart diseases, weight gain, etc.
CircleCare provides companies with a platform and tools to motivate their employees via positive reinforcements and rewards to establish and maintain healthy lifestyle choices.
Sometimes due to the chronic inflammation, the airways get remodeled due to structural changes. These changes can lead to more severe consequences including lung failure, long-term coughing, airway wall thickening, etc.
Other complications of Asthma that may adversely affect your quality of life include:
The flu can affect an asthma patients lungs as it causes inflammation (swelling) and narrowing of your airways. These changed could trigger asthma attacks or episodes, that’s why asthma patients need to take precautionary measures against flu-like symptoms.
Asthma patients with pregnancy suffer from wheezing, shortness of breath, chest pain and cough. These can lead to a pregnancy-related complication like preeclampsia and experience a higher risk of giving birth to underweight babies.
Asthma affects children with delayed growth and increased risk of learning disability. On the other hand, adults suffer from an increased risk of depression, heart disease, and stroke. It is also very common for both to take sick days from work and school.
If you feel that your asthma is getting on the way of your quality of life, contact your doctor immediately. Get a personalized asthma control plan to better control the condition.
For more asthma-related news, info and health tips, Download CircleCare App. CircleCare is a health and wellness motivation App that inspire and support you to manage the condition through rewards and gifts.
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