Facilities Service Provider Automates Workforce Management with Offline Clock In Integration Using AI TimeClock and Kronos UKG Ready

Thomas Turner

Thomas Turner

A leading facilities service provider, known for its extensive cleaning operations across the nation, sought to enhance workforce management with a reliable timekeeping solution. Managing employees in various locations, including areas without stable internet connectivity, they faced challenges tracking employee hours accurately and efficiently.

Using the CloudApper AI TimeClock solution, which seamlessly integrated with their Kronos UKG Ready HCM system, the company enabled biometric clock-ins for employees and even in offline environments. This setup ensured precise time tracking and eliminated the need for manual timesheets, enhancing accuracy across their workforce.

The Challenge: Offline Time Tracking

The company operates in diverse environments where internet connectivity is not always available. This created difficulties for supervisors trying to log employee work hours using traditional biometric systems. With hundreds of workers needing to clock in and out daily, finding an efficient solution that worked offline became essential.


Corporate Wellness App


CircleCare employee engagement platform provides companies with a platform and tools to motivate their employees via positive reinforcements and rewards to establish and maintain healthy lifestyle choices.

The Solution: AI TimeClock Integration

CloudApper’s AI TimeClock provided the perfect solution. The system’s ability to function offline meant that employees could use biometric scans for clocking in and out, regardless of location. This data automatically synced with the UKG Ready system once a connection was re-established. The integration streamlined the timekeeping process, reducing the administrative burden and eliminating manual data entry errors.


Streamlined Operations and Increased Accuracy

The offline capability improved accuracy and accountability, especially for employees in remote areas. By integrating AI TimeClock, the company no longer had to worry about discrepancies or delays in payroll processing. Employees were confident that their work hours were accurately recorded, fostering a positive work environment and improving overall efficiency.



This implementation of AI TimeClock allowed the service provider to focus more on core operations while ensuring seamless workforce management, regardless of connectivity challenges. Contact us to learn more.

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